Sunday, November 27, 2011

If I Can't Travel Like A Muppet, I'll Travel Like A Korean

The day before I left, Thanksgiving, I was packed, anxious to leave and already dreading the long journey ahead. To distract me for a few hours, I went to see the new Muppet movie with my mom. The Muppets have always captured my imagination and there are many Muppet abilities that I wish I possesed, like: being able to crumple my face into those hilarious expressions and break into song.
One Muppet ability that is highlighted in the movie and I was particularly jealous of, is the ability to travel by map. You know, when in a movie, the character goes on a long trip and that trip is portrayed by a line moving rapidly across a map. It is much faster and cheaper than any conventional means of transportation.
At the end of the movie, I would have given anything to be able to travel by map! But I cannot and my plane tickets were already paid for.

My conventional, long, tiring journey began the next morning at 6:00am at the Kansas City International Airport and didn't end until 11:30pm on Saturday in Hanoi, Vietnam. First, My father, his BFF, Mike and I flew to Chicago to meet up with our final travel companion, Sam and catch our 13 hour flight to Soeul, South Korea. We had a few hours lay over in Soeul, then took a four hour flight south to Hanoi.

I thought I knew what to expect since I flew from Newark to Beijing on Delta Airlines just last year; however, Korean Air far and away surpassed my expectations about what a flight across the Pacific meant. The service from all of the Korean Air employees is nothing I have ever expirienced from any American Airline. Me and my needs as a passenger came first, anything I needed or wanted was available if I asked. At least I genuinley felt that way. The big, blushing smiles of the young and very attractive flight attendants also made me feel special. In short, I'd fly Korean Air over any American Airline anywhere in the world.

So, after taking two full days to travel alittle more than 20 hours and some drama at Vietnamese customs with my incorrectly stamped visa, we were picked up at the airport and taken to our wonderful hotel in the the heart of Hanoi. It is a brand new, small, boutique hotel with very comfortable amenitites and is surrounded by markets!
The next morning, we ate big bowls of Chicken Pho and set out to explore the captial city of Hanoi.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Next Great Adventure: Vietnam!

Winter is upon us, so this Thanksgiving I am thankful that I get to escape the cold, yet again. Tomorrow I will be flying to Vietnam with my father to spend three wonderful weeks romping through the Vietnamese country side.
The main stops of our trip are highlighted with red dots on the map above. Check back regularly as I plan to post at the end of each night( internet connection and Vietnamese government permiting*)