Saturday, December 18, 2010

A beginning or an ending? It's both!

I have been going to school at The Culinary Institute of America (C.I.A.) in the beautiful Hudson Valley since 2006. In true intinerant fasion I stopped along the way to work or take a trip abroad, however I finally graduated with a Bachelors of Professional Studies in Baking and Pastry management. Unlike many of my fellow graduates who have jobs in New York City or moved to New York City in hopes of finding a job quickly, I am moving home, to Kanasas City. I don't have any plans except to enjoy Christmas. Past expirience has taught me that plans are of little use because I always end up doing something else that came up suddenly.

My path to graduation was long and indirect because I couldn't resist the opportunity to briefly do something else; I have recently embraced that as my modus operandi. When we began discussing career paths in 7th grade, I felt compelled to follow many careers: teaching, cooking, clowning, translator, secret agent. Cooking, which lead to baking, won out, however on a bad day in the kitchen I might day-dream about running away with the circus or herding grass fed cattle onto greener pastures. (Secretly I hope there is time for me to do both.)

I love the science of baking and the art of pastry work, but it is not what I am going to do for the rest of my life. I'm thrilled that I attended the C.I.A., (thanks Dad!) without the various opportunities it provided for me to expirience all aspects of the Hospitality industry, I might never have discovered my passion for growing AND eating vegetables. A sort of jagged idea of how all my interests will come together is forming in my brain, but the most important imformation to remember about me is that I am 23, convinced I am invincible and I'm ready to take over the world. Watch out!

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