Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hunger and Taquitos

I have spent more time in Mexico than any other foreign country so it is only fair that it gets two items. A sweet and a savory.
This is the savory food: taquitos durados. Last summer I spent about two and a half months with my boy friend Jonathan. I had plenty of money saved for the trip, however, just about every bill I could have, came due the week before I left. Doing the responsible thing and paying them all in full left me about $300. So I had a little over $100 to spend each month. That should be plenty right? It's Mexico! That was everyone's reaction... however, even in Mexico $100 a month doesn't quite cut it. I was living rent free thanks to the generosity of Jonathan's family, but I contributed to food money and paid my own way for everything else. It was extremely frustrating to go into the grocery store and every other item was too expensive for my budget. Here in the states, Bell peppers adorn Mexican food like confetti. I wanted to buy a green one, normally about a dollar at home, it was about three dollars in Mexico! I was astounded! Due to our budget and Jonathan's and my laziness to go grocery shopping there were times I was hungry. I was never starving, don't get me wrong, there were plenty of times that I ate very well. However, there were also times that I was hungry for more.
One night, I needed something to put in my stomach and I sliced about half a head of ice berg lettuce, a slice of onion, and a slice of tomato and put salad dressing on it. Jonathan walked in a commented that I was eating half the head of lettuce. Hunger grumpiness had set in at that point and I snapped back that lettuce was just water, had no nutritional value and was very cheap, so shut up and let me eat!
There were times that I was amazed at how full I was after eating so little. Like eating tacos durados for instance. Jonathan would boil one chicken breast and then shred it. the chicken would be distributed between a pack of corn tortillas, rolled up and fried. Then each of us would get a bowl of the chicken broth(boiled chicken water), three or four taquitos, lettuce, tomato, crema, and salsa and I would be full! Amazing.
I ate many things that were delicious that trip, but this dish sticks out in my mind most.

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