Saturday, February 12, 2011

Enough Winter!

I have been home for two months now and I've had enough of this! Enough snow! Enough single digit temperatures! Enough sweaters and woolen socks! Good Bye! In true intinerant fashion, it is time to move on. I am flying south for the rest of winter, to Puebla, Mexico!
Hello Sun! Hello shorts! Hello beautiful Mexico! I have been away too long, I've missed you!
I will be spending three months, absorbing culture and sun. I don't have any solid plans or commitments, just plenty of opportunity. While I am there, I plan to learn Spanish and taste all of the many confections for which Puebla is well known. I am also very excited because I realized yesterday that I will be there for cinco de Mayo! The holiday which originates from The Battle of Puebla in 1862. (That totally slipped my mind when I was booking my flights.)

I am sure many of you have already considered my safety and I appreciate that. However, I assure everyone that Puebla is safe.  I am not new to international travel and I am confident that the biggest threat Puebla poses is another sun burn. There will be many adventures to share and I am ready for all of them!


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