Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Breakfast to Keep Me Warm

As I have expressed before, I absolutley love and thrive in hot weather. This summer was no exception, and as always, it has come and gone too soon. Many of my summer activities were worthy of a blog post and occasionally I even considered writing, but the long, sunny days and warm, fire fly filled nights always kept me away from my computer.
While I was off-line, the blog stayed afloat without me, recieving 1-6 pageviews a day from readers all over the world; there have been three pageviews from Algeria this week alone. Most of them were looking for wedding cakes. The post about the royal wedding cake and traditional wedding cakes from all over the world is by far the most popular post with over 400 total pageviews and coming in [a close] second with 49 total pageviews is the Cinco de Mayo post.

 Last week I sensed a chill in the air and secretly pined for all things autumn. The summer heat, which I enjoy so much must have caught my betrayal, because its gone. It left town overnight, litteraly. I am left wrapped in jackets and sweaters; the old adage "be careful what you wish for" comes to mind. Luckily, the weather in Kansas City is famously fickle. It can be 70 degrees one day and 90 and humid the next. The forecast for the entire week is for mid 70's so I am going to indulge my autumn fantasies and hope we have a few more 90 degree days ahead.
Chief among my cool weather yearnings was a bowl of oatmeal, specifically, the wonderful chewy, vanilla laden steel cut oatmeal at the Apple Pie Bakery Cafe at the Culinary Institute of America where I spent every morning as either a server or breakfaster.
So that is how I began my week of cool weather indulgences: with a hot bowl of steel cut oatmeal.. MMMMM my insides are still warm just thinking about it!

On the right, is a pile of steel cut oats as you buy them in the store. On the left, are the oats for my breakfast which I have toasted; it gives an extra nuttiness to the oatmeal.

Toasted Steel Cut Oatmel with Vanilla Maple Caramelized Apple Cubes and Pecans

While the oatmeal was cooking, I also decided to fry some bacon, potatoes and an egg. A complete breakfast.

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